Wednesday, November 7, 2012

This book is "just right!"

How can I find the right book for my child? 
Some books seem too difficult or too easy for my kid...
How can we find a book that's just right for my child to read at the library?

These are common questions and thoughts of parents of kids who are just beginning to read by themselves.  Sometimes the library can seem overwhelming.  While teachers and literacy tutors use various formulas and assessments to determine reading accuracy and comprehension, here is a simple method you can do with your child when browsing for books.

The 5 Finger Test: 

  • Open the book to the middle. Choose a full page of words. Read the page out loud, and hold up a finger each time you come to a word you don't know.
  • One finger (thumb): Thumbs up! Great book choice, this will be easy reading for you.
  • Two fingers (thumb and index finger): Makes an L, still Looking good! Enjoy.
  • Three fingers (makes a W): Warning! This book may be best when read with someone.
  • Four or more fingers (whole hand): Stop! This book may be too tough to enjoy alone. Ask an adult or older sibling to read this book to you.

Discover more ways to not only find books your child wants to read, but books that are at their reading level from Reading Rockets:

Finding the Right Book for Your Child | Reading Topics A-Z | Reading Rockets

Happy Reading!